Library Street
Gibraltar GX11 1AA
In order for a person to attain residency they must satisfy the Gibraltar authorities that they are of good character and that granting them residence is in the interests of Gibraltar. The application should be directed to the Civil Status and Registration Office. The vast majority of applications for residence by EEA nationals are accepted.
The Immigration, Asylum and Refugee Act provides details on the fundamental requirements which need to be fulfilled for the issue of such a residency permit. In addition, the Government of Gibraltar has issued guidelines highlighting factors which are of most importance in considering applications for residency. These can be summarised as follows:
Suitable accommodation is held. This can be achieved by the purchase or rental of a property sufficient in size to accommodate the applicant and all their family for residential purposes;
The applicant must establish that they are in good health;
The applicant must establish that they have adequate financial resources to maintain themselves and their family without recourse to Gibraltar public funds.
In order for the applicant to prove the latter requirement, applicants need to provide evidence that their status falls under any of the following categories: